Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Down Days

**Disclaimer- this is not me saying "oh my gosh today was a terrible day;" I've been thinking about the way different people react to different situations and thought I'd take it to the blog.**

I'm curious- do you ever have a random "down day?" I mean the ones that sneak up on you and don't seem to be caused by a negative event, hormones, or anything you can put your finger on. What do you do when you encounter one? What go-to's help you feel better? Exercise induced endorphins? Junk food? Cozy pajamas and a good book? What if the usuals don't work?


  1. I take the girls and I to the mall and walk around pushing them in the stroller.
    The added bonus is if I don't feel like walking around I can go sit in the child play area and just let Autumn go wild.
    It seems she lights up everybody there because she is so social. Everybody compliments me on what a sweetheart she is and I get the bonus of her wearing herself out for either her afternoon nap, or an earlier bedtime.
    Basically - go where kids are playing. It's hard to stay down when you see kiddos being happy.

  2. Oh, I usually just grump around at everyone until the kids bedtime then watch something I want to watch and eat a treat I've hidden from everyone! :) such healthy coping strategies. . Good thing I don't gain weight easily! Taking a nap or talking on the phone (usually to you) are my go-to's also. Oh, and I feel better when I look cute, so spending some extra time doing my hair, make up or accessories sometimes helps.
