Thursday, April 25, 2013

Train of Thought

I've had a lot more time to sit and think lately. Well, I'm not necessarily sitting, but that's not the point. With a lot more down time I catch my thoughts wandering quite randomly through current challenges, past experiences, and all sorts of craziness. For your enjoyment I share with you a small part of what was running through my mind tonight.

Scene: in my car running a few late night errands, one of which involved stopping for frozen yogurt - because I wanted to.

Thought process: I don't want to eat this alone in the store, I'll get it to go. Tax is cheaper that way anyway. (Driving) I don't want to eat this at home either- Paris (the roommate's dog) was bugging me all day; I'm kind of at my limit as to how much attention I can give her today. The roommate will probably be home and walking on the treadmill as well, that's noisy. Yeah, definitely not going home. Okay, where can I go? Is there a park nearby? It's dark - even if I found a park, would it be safe? I wish I was back in Colorado, I know what parks are safe at night. Or, at least which ones I feel comfortable in. I have no idea how safe they really are. Gosh the moon looked cool on my way down here, too bad it's already changed...OOOH! Airplanes! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... (looking back at the road) 6,789.... (looking at the road again) there's at least 12 in line to land. I love watching planes land. Vegas had a cool place to park and watch planes land. I wonder if that bridge I used to pass on my way home from work has a place I can park and watch planes - that's where I want to eat my dessert. 

(After driving many extra miles and only finding streets with no parking signs near the airport...) 

Fine. I'm parking by the beach. Can't see the planes anymore, but I can hear them taking off... (opening frozen yogurt) I like maraschino cherries. When did I learn to tie cherry stems with my tongue? Seems like I've always been able to do it. Ha! My first make out session started because of a cherry stem. (I proceed to tie all 4 stems in knots) Did I have dinner? I ate some salad, I guess that counts. Why can't I see the ferris wheel at the Santa Monica pier from here? Do they turn the lights off at a certain time? This view would be better if it was higher on a hill with fewer lights, like the place in Palos Verdes the (ex) boyfriend and I drove to after my last day of work. That was a good view. Even after a crappy day I sure felt lucky to have someone next to me who cared about me. It would be nice to have someone next to me now. (rolling eyes) Get over it, you're fine. You've gone through tough stuff before, and you still have people that care about you and look out for you. I feel like Lorelai from the episode of Gilmore Girls where she has a lot of good things happening, but it's all being overshadowed by current problems - running out of money for the inn she's opening, her business partner being super busy with her family to take some of the weight off her shoulders, her daughter/best friend Rory's schedule not matching up to see her...she goes to ask Luke for money but ends up dumping her emotions on him in a full out crying fit saying that she's a strong woman, she likes her life, but sometimes she wishes there was someone else, a partner - think husband - to pick up the slack, to be there to support. That would be nice... but I don't want kids right now; I have too much training to do if I'm going to be a successful aerialist. I can't wait to see my nieces and nephews in a couple of months! My birthday is going to be awesome!

*From there, my thoughts skipped to other men I found attractive in my late HS years and the ways I asked a few of them to sadie hawkins dances, one who turned me down and then showed up to another dance with one of my friends, an awesome date in college who dressed up as Tobias from arrested development to attend a famous couples themed activity with me, etc. Then I finished my frozen yogurt and drove home thinking about sneaking in to an apartment complex to use their hot tub, wondering what companies and positions I would seek out first to send my spiffy new resume to, wondering if it was too late to call my sister on the phone...

I swear my brain doesn't stop.


  1. It's never too late to call your sister on the phone :) fun post

  2. Nope, definitely never too late to call your sister on the phone. :)

    Your brain thought pattern resembles mine most of the time when the girls are finally in bed asleep and my thought process isn't disrupted by circumstances outside of my control (aka Autumn, lol)
