Thursday, May 19, 2011

Staring Me In The Face

For many years now I've had a bump on the right side of my nose that has slowly grown bigger. I'm not 100% sure what it is exactly, but I've ruled out the possibility that it's a wart. Anyhow, it's at the point now where it's super annoying, I can see it when I look down my nose, and I've given up hope that it will decide to go away on its own.

This is a problem, because without insurance it's way too expensive of a cosmetic procedure. Tack on the fact that any dermatologist will want to biopsy it and send it to a lab, and yeah... I don't have that kind of money right now.

So tonight I had an idea that I wanted to try. (Word to the queasy - this may be disturbing to some of you...) When I was finishing my nightly bathroom routine I pulled out a short piece of floss and simply tied it around the bump to cut off the circulation. It didn't hurt at all; there's really no feeling in the bump, and I instantly saw a color change.

After getting it secure I walked into my bedroom to excitingly share my plan with my roommate. She. Freaked. Out. She proceeded to tell me that I couldn't do that, that my nose would bleed a ton (I figured...since there's a ton of blood vessels in the nose, and I had previously tried wart removal stuff which made it bleed profusely - the bleeding wouldn't phase me), that it could get infected, etc. and that she had a friend who had things lasered off before and would have good advise/input about how to take care of it in a more professional way.

She made me take the floss off.

Sigh... I guess I'm going to keep staring this bump in the face for a while longer.


  1. I don't know whether to laugh or what! It might have worked! The total freak out would probably have stopped me as well. *sigh*

  2. Dang. I was hoping for a picture of your floss-i-fied bump!
