Sunday, October 31, 2010

One Reason Not To Wear Flip-Flops While Grocery Shopping

Saturday. My free day.

This particular Saturday, October 30th, I rolled out of bed late in the morning (okay, okay, it was early afternoon!) after a late night at a HUGE Halloween party. I did the lazy thing, lounged in my pajamas for a while, started some laundry, and then decided I should get things rolling before heading out with some friends for more Halloween adventures. One thing I needed to accomplish was a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for my ward's once a month diner's club. I quickly grabbed a pair of flip flops and rushed out the door so I'd be back in time to pull my laundrey out of the dryer.

Once at the store I nabbed a handheld basket from one of the checkout lines and bee-lined towards the baking goods isle. Walking at quite the brisk pace I dodged between a lady shopping by herself, and a mother pushing her son in a shopping cart when WHAM!! I was full out sprawled on the ground in the middle of the isle thanks to an unseen puddle of what I hope was water. Both ladies looked at me like I was stupid, or just had some kind of fainting spell. It was that much of a show. Righting myself to the vertical position again I annoyingly shared what I had discovered on the floor, and the lady shopping by herself quickly started off to find an employee. I think the lady with the kid asked if I was okay, and then continued on her way.

I stood above the puddle to deter potential accidents for about a minute until the first lady returned with what looked like a bag boy who asked: "Um, do you want to fill out some paperwork or something?" Oh, I was annoyed, but I wasn't about to spend 30 minutes filling out an accident report. Instead I shortly answered no, and that they should just clean it up because someone else would seize the opportunity to sue the store if they could. I really just wanted to get my canned pumkin and cake mix and go home.

My knee hurts.

1 comment:

  1. owie! I hope it was water, too! Eeek! Maybe that's why the lady with the kid skeedadled! =) hee hee
