Sunday, September 29, 2013

I'm Moving...Again!

I've only been in my current apartment for three months, but this was a planned temporary location. As it was temporary, I had agreed to live in the living room of the one bedroom apartment. Not even two weeks after I moved in, my roommate asked me if I would be okay sharing the living room with a friend of hers who was in a pinch and needed to crash for only a week or two. I agreed; a week or two is nothing. Skip forward 2 1/2 months, and that "friend" is still here!! It's been all I can do to not rip my hair out of my head! I have had NO personal space, she sleeps until the afternoon causing me to tiptoe around and not be able to do much at home, and then wakes me up almost every night making more noise than necessary. She takes an average of two showers a day, and she only occasionally has contributed to rent, which frustrated me as she spends money renting cars, dying her hair, and taking trips to San Diego. Either she's lying about her dire situation, likes to take advantage of people, or has no self control when it comes to budget. Maybe a bit of all three.

Anyway...Now the time has come to pack up my things once more, leave the squatter behind, and settle into a HOUSE! I'm so excited to be in a house! In my own room! With a door that shuts! I nearly jump up and down every time I think about it! Better yet the house is partially furnished, so I've been able to sell a few more of my things and lessen the amount I have to haul from place to place. I took over one carload of stuff tonight and will hopefully have the rest done TOMORROW! Hooray!! Can someone say housewarming party?

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