Thursday, March 1, 2012

And So It Begins

Several weeks ago I became aware of how much sugar in the form of candy and desserts I was putting into my body. I have a serious sweet tooth!! While I have been subconsciously justifying my sugar consumption because of the frequency in which I exercise (three times a week minimum - thanks to my aerial acrobatics addiction) I decided it was time to put a stop to it, and see just how much better, healthier, and stronger I felt without it. Today is March 1st - the first day of my one-month aversion to candy and desserts. I'm not eliminating ALL sugar - I realize there is natural sugar in fruit, and I like to use juice cocktails in my home-made smoothies; stuff like that can stay. What doesn't stay is the chocolate, cookies, cakes, etc, etc. that I usually go hunting for after dinner. This means:

  • No indulging in the Easter candy that is ALREADY in every grocery store (even though the holiday isn't until April 8th!!).
  • No partaking in the oh-so-common Mormon "dessert parties" where there's nothing to do but talk and eat junk food (the talking is okay, clearly).
  • NO GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!! I am sad about this one. I ordered 4 boxes of cookies that haven't come in yet - they will have to find a corner of my freezer to sit in until April. Sigh...
  • No soda. This wasn't a part of my original plan (because I really don't drink soda all that often) but as I was sipping a coke during lunch today I realized that I could easily fall back into that bad habit as a substitute.

So there it is. Dessert/candy/soda free for a month. I got this.


  1. Good luck! I wish I had your will power!

  2. Good luck with that. Giving up sugar would be a struggle for me! You are strong!!
