While I realize this isn't the most *ahem, flattering picture of the little cutie, I absolutely adore it! You ask this two year old to smile for the camera, and you typically get a cheese-ball expression such as the one you just witnessed. I LOVE it.
Anyway, a few days ago Shelby celebrated her third birthday. You might believe she's only three because of how tiny she is, but if you listened to her speak you might think she's, well, thirteen. It's pretty amusing. Here's the latest conversation I had with her when I called to wish her a Happy Birthday:
Me: Hi Shelby! Happy Birthday! How old are you now?
Shel: I'm three. I'm not two anymore. I'm three.
(skipping the part where I sing Happy Birthday in Spanish...)
Me: What are you doing today?
Shel: I'm getting a fairy cake; we're going to eat it at night.
Me: After dinner?
Shel: Yep.
(She then proceded to tell me that some of her friends were coming. They weren't. But this is where it gets good...)
Me: Well that sounds like fun!
Shel: Uh-huh! And on your birthday I'll give you a Strawberry Shortcake cake and a party for your friends. Except, you don't have any friends.
Me: ... (laughing and changing the subject), Guess what? I'm going to see you in 3 days!
Shel: No. Four days.
Me: No, I'll be there in three days.
Shel: No! Four days!
Me: Well, can I see you in three days instead because it's sooner?
Shel: Bye.
Funniest part is I only today realized that it really was going to be four days until I saw her. She obviously didn't want to waste her time arguing with me when she knew she was right!
She makes me laugh. Thank goodness. Because she also makes me want to scream.