Thursday, May 8, 2008


So, as all of you know by now, I am a HUGE Cher fan. In fact, you can say I'm a fanatic! I have spent many a Halloween, party, or opportune moment dressing up as her - doing such things as dying my own hair, and constantly looking for clothes that would match her style at Savers and Goodwill. Because this became such a common thing for me to do, I decided to spare the wear and tear on my own hair and finally bought a few black wigs- one cheap straight-haired Halloween wig, and a nice one with curly hair that has locks which fall down to my waist. One of my better purchases.

How did this craze start you ask? When I was a sophomore in highschool I took a dance class. It was during this class that Cher's most current album Believe was making a huge mark on the music scene, and another girl in my class and I selected it to use in our final show for the class. Having enjoyed the song so much, I decided to look in to more music Cher had sung - I mean, I had heard a little about her while growing up, so why not? I started looking anywhere I could (my favorite search location was as Goodwill in the vinyl records section), and was loving everything I found. And now, 10 years, 4 concerts (with a 5th coming up on May 20th) and 20 something albums later, I am still hooked!
Can you tell??


  1. Hey girl!
    Thanks for sending me your blog! I just saw Cher on Oprah this week and I see she has a big show there in Vegas. Are you living with Ben and his wife or do you have your own pad? I'm totally putting a link to you on my website! Love you and welcome back from the mish (although it's been awhile!) And I loved Freakonimics too! We just reviewed it for our book club.
