Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sock It to Me!

I love socks! This isn't new, nor is it an uncommon fetish. Sunday I managed to do ALL of my laundry, and I realized that even if I hadn't washed any of my socks I would still have more than plenty for the next week or two. Or four. Who knows.

In light of this realization I decided that instead of doing the simple thing and just counting up how many pairs of socks I own I would start a photo project to see just how long it would take for me to wear each and every pair before I run out. Will this mean I have to wear Christmas socks out of season? Of course! It might make things more fun. Or maybe just add a spark of oddness to a boring project. Either way you can follow my project at Sock It To Me.


  1. I have the exact opposite problem. I think I own like... 4 pairs of socks. Which is really bad in the winter time.

    1. Haha - maybe you can guest post on my sock blog. =)

  2. Haha, this made me chuckle. Nathan loves socks two. In fact, he has 2 whole drawers devoted to socks! I think it's a little out of control but not him. He says that if he could wear a brand new pair of socks everyday then throw them away he would...oh geez! He'll come home, take his shoes off, then when he needs to go back outside he grabs another, new, clean pair of socks to wear..the same thing is repeated every time. I think he has had gone through like 8 pairs one day - crazy kid :)
